How to Set up Your Avatar
So you just joined the forum and are anxious to jump into the fray and chat about all the cool stuff we talk about here. But how do you get that cool little picture by your name? Avatars are as unique as the people who they represent and here’s how to set yours up.
First you need to find a picture you want as an avatar. You can find ready made avatars online or use any picture you like. You can upload a picture from your computer or use one from a online hosting account as described here.
Your avatar picture can only be 120x120 pixels here so it’s best to use something with good contrast and not a lot of little details. Once you have your picture sized and ready, click “User Control Panel”.

Then click “Profile”

Click “Edit Avatar”

Now you can upload your picture from your computer by browsing your files or upload from an online hosting account or other URL. Remember that your avatar can be only 120x120 pixels. If you choose to use a picture from a hosting account or other URl and the picture is moved your avatar will disappear. It’s usually safer to just upload from your computer. Once it's uploaded, click “Submit”.

That’s it. Your avatar should be right above your name now. Welcome to Blackthorn Forum and nice to see ya!